WOŚP (Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity)

According to the Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation is a non-governmental organization with the highest public trust in Poland. Established in 1993, it focuses on activities in the field of health protection which consist in saving lives of ill people, especially children, and actions aiming to improve their state of health as well as in actions aiming to promote health and preventive health care.
Today, the equipment bought by the WOŚP Foundation is used in all hospital wards specializing in children's treatment, constituting the basis of modern equipment of the Polish pediatric medicine. In the course of 21 years, tens of thousands of devices have been purchased. So far, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has spent almost PLN 450,000,000 on top class medical equipment.
Every year GIFT STAR supports WOŚP with lanyards!